
About White’s Seahorse

This pendant shines a light on the fragile and beautiful White’s Seahorse. Local to Sydney harbour it is only one of two endangered seahorses in the world. A collaboration involving SEA Life Sydney Aquarium, NSW Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney Indigenous Gamay Sea Rangers and many volunteers has developed a successful captive breeding and release program. Baby seahorses (fry) are bred in the aquarium and regularly released into specially constructed habitat “hotels” in the harbour at Clifton Gardens and the nets at Clontarf. This encourages sea grass and seaweed to grow around the “hotel” helping to keep the populations of this delicate species safe.

Specifications: Porcelain pendant 16cm high, 17cm diameter


About Neptune's Necklace

The ocean is the largest carbon sink on the planet. This pendant highlights the importance of our local seaweeds - Crayweed, Neptune’s Necklace and Golden Kelp whose vast underwater forests provide food and habitat for hundreds of species of fish, molluscs, abalone and crayfish. Seaweed sequesters immense amounts of atmospheric carbon, produces oxygen for marine life and supports unique biodiversity. These modest algae are the lungs of the sea and protecting them is critical to limiting global warming.

Specifications: Porcelain pendant 16cm high, 17cm diameter